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Looking for a polo club? We love this sport

and would love to have you join us!

Prestonwood Polo & Country Club is the premier polo club of north Texas, located on 97 acres of pristine real estate north of Dallas between Frisco and Denton in the town of Oak Point.  We recently completed a successful re-development of the polo grounds including the addition of 22 new home lots with spectacular views of the polo fields and world class equestrian art. We have 3 polo fields and 2 polo arenas where we play family style polo year-round for both beginners and advanced players. Learn how to be a Member and live here, play here!

DFW Polo Announces Arena League...more

Prestonwood offers both Youth & Adult Polo programs for beginners and experienced players.  We've won 2 National Interscholastic Championships &1 National Intercollegiate Championship


learn to play polo

Prestonwood wins US Arena Handicap...more

DFW  Polo Association Rule Reminders at Prestonwood:
 - Teams higher in the draw will choose jersey color
 - Spare changes at end lines only
- All players are required to wear a helmet that passes the NOCSAE ND050 Standard Performance Specification
 - All players must have USPA Dues paid
 - All players must have signed all field owner release forms for 2023
 - Anyone on horseback must wear a helmet (spare holders, grooms, etc)

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